Project: a cup of happy Season 2

A few months ago, I got the idea for a new podcast series. My heart to help women who have been through trauma combined with my creative outlet through my podcast led to the conception of this project. Without any idea what kind of response I would get, I made a post on the Women in Entrepreneurship of Knoxville’s Facebook page. I simply stated that I was looking for guests on my podcast who had been through trauma and experienced growth after that. It took only a short time before one person replied, “ME!” I sent her a PM. Then another person also replied. And then another and another. I was excited, but not sure what would come of any of these.

Each woman who reached out was putting herself in a vulnerable place to share a part of her story, and I recognized that could difficult. One by one, I scheduled phone calls with each of them to hear their story and explain to them my heart for this project. I was moved by their words, and in return they were eager to be a part of the vision I described for them. With each conversation, my excitement and confidence in the reality of this happening grew stronger and stronger. There was just one small obstacle to hurdle… I didn’t have a place to do these interviews. My vision was so clearly to have face to face conversations with these women. I wanted it to feel comfortable, casual, and completely authentic. But I do not have a podcast studio.

So, I went to Facebook once again, this time on my personal page. I asked if anyone had a space on a specific Saturday and Sunday they were not using, even if it was a home I could “house sit” during this time. I was reaching, but willing to explore all options. And again, I received a text message from a friend that had an office space that no one ever used on the weekends. She said I was welcome to take a look at the space. If it worked, it was mine to use for those days. I met her within a day or so, looked at the space and sent pictures to my husband (who was already hired as my videographer haha!) And just like that, we had a place for the recordings to take place. And within a day, all NINE of my potential guests had scheduled a time block within those two days.

About a week later, I was a networking event, and during a conversation with one of the hosts she mentioned that she might be a good fit for my series, but she wasn’t quite sure. I promised to reach out to her in the following days, and after a quick phone call hearing a story that I KNEW needed to be shared, my 10th guest was scheduled. It was all happening…and so FAST!

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and day 1 of recording was here. March 2, 2024 had arrived. I woke up with so much awe and gratitude. There is no way that I could have ever orchestrated this in this short of a timeframe. I felt like I was simply there to hold space for each of these women and witness the magic that God was doing. My husband had gone above and beyond getting the lights and technology all worked out according to my requests of, “Do you think we could do this, honey?” I’m still blown away. All but one of the guests were able to keep their scheduled time, but one unfortunately one of them became sick and couldn’t join me. However, the heart within the nine that sat with me is authenticity at its very best. The vulnerability these women display is so moving. They share stories of loss, grief, hitting rock bottom in the worst ways, feelings of embarrassment, layers of shame and deep remorse. The details of their lives include aspects we can each relate to.

But not a single conversation ended in despair. These women each found hope. Some found grace. Some found peace. And others found great strength. Each one of them has learned how to create a life they love and happiness within. This does not imply that they live picture perfect lives. What is demonstrates is that they work to create happiness as their baseline.

These episodes are also full of resources that each of these women leaned on in the pivot from trauma to a path of healing. My prayer for this series is that they will reach individuals who can relate in the tiniest way and find hope and help out of the darkness. To say my heart is full would be an understatement. I am grateful that I was followed my heart and went along for this journey that was so obviously directed by someone bigger than myself.


A Moment in Time


A Little Morning Observation