A Moment in Time
Nicole James Nicole James

A Moment in Time

We all have a moment. You know, that defining moment when your life has the potential to change forever. I believe that we are presented with these moments more than once…until we finally recognize one of them as the opportunity it is.

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You are the queen
Nicole James Nicole James

You are the queen

So let me tell you, you were born for such a time as this! You are the queen of your world.

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What if it all works out?
Nicole James Nicole James

What if it all works out?

Now, every time I hear that voice in my head asking, “What if…” followed by a negative thought, I answer back…”

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lessons in love
Nicole James Nicole James

lessons in love

Whether these two have just experienced their first love or their forever love, only time will tell.

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shame on shame
Nicole James Nicole James

shame on shame

Your shame is based on your reality not matching up with your perceived ideal life. It has NOTHING to do with your ability to be the best mom your kids need.

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