From now On

From now on…
In 2021, I was introduced to the songs of an artist I had never heard of before. One line in one of the songs has stuck with me. It has become a part of who I am. The line is, “Everything that happens is from now on.”

From now on…
If we take time to look back at our life 6 months, a year, or 3 years in the past, we can see how the choices we made have led us to where we are today. This can take some reflections and can leave us feeling totally bummed when we realize we do not like where we are, and yet our choices landed us here. It’s a sobering realization.

From now on…
But once the realization has set in that our choices brought us to where we are today, we can choose to find such power in that. Because if our choices brough us here today, that means our choices today and tomorrow and the next day can take us somewhere completely new in 6 months, a year or 3 years from now!

From now on…
What’s the best life you can imagine for yourself? What does one single day in your very best life look like? What do you do when you first wake up in the morning? What does your daily schedule look like? Do you work out? Do you have lunch with friends? Are you playing golf? Are you coaching your kid’s little league baseball team? Do you help your daughter tie up her ballet shoes before her dance recital? Are you painting in your very own studio? Are you sitting on the beach? Are you nestled away in a cabin in the woods? Are you working at your dream job? Do you run your own business? What kind of foods do you eat? Do you eat at home? Do you eat at certain restaurants? Are you with a loving partner? Are you living life solo? Are you planning your next international adventure? Allow yourself to get carried away with visions of the ultimate life that will bring fulfilment to your soul.

From now on…
What is one thing you can do today that will bring you one single step closer to any part of your vision? If you cannot think of one thing that you can do to move you closer in the direction you dream of, keep dreaming. Allow your vision to run through your thoughts every day. Better still, intentionally choose to think about your best life every day. “Where focus goes, energy flows.” Your RAS (reticular activating system) is the filter in your brain that finds what you tell it to look for.  You know, when you decide you really like the new Toyota Highlander and suddenly you see them everywhere?? That’s your RAS.

From now on…
If you focus on how miserable you are, or that you can never find a job of your dreams, your brain keeps finding evidence of that. Your RAS confirms to you that is true. So…start telling yourself what you want to find. There are dream jobs available. There are plenty of opportunities to start your own business with your just your phone that you already have. If part of your dream life is living on the beach, go sit on your back porch and look at pictures of the beach. If you are living in a relationship that is not aligned with where you want to go, have the discussion to see if you can get on the same page. If not, move on.

From now on…
We all have one life. We get to choose how we live it. I can tell you from my experience, I lived life on someone else’s terms (by my own choice) for too many years. I didn’t know I could simply choose a different life. So, in case no one has told you before, you can live life on your terms. You have the power inside of you; dig deep in your heart and rediscover who you want to be. Age is irrelevant. If you think you are too old, or too young, you are simply believing a lie and using that as evidence that you are doomed to remain stuck. If you are alive, you can make new choices and start building the life you deeply desire…from now on.


“You need to write”


You are the queen