“You need to write”

Have you ever felt a strong pull to do something, but you weren’t sure of the details?

This is exactly where I find myself today.

On my drive to work, I take mostly back roads. A long portion is down a two-lane road with curves. There is nothing but trees for miles, and it feels like I am just driving through the woods. This time of the year the trees are bare, and the color scheme of the scenery is all greys and tans. It can be so peaceful… (until I get stuck behind a car driving significantly under the speed limit.)  This morning, however, I was enjoying the quiet and was having a conversation with God.  This has become my favorite place to have talks with God, and I have learned how to be quiet and listen, as well. It is truly amazing how well we can “hear” God when we slow down and practice listening.  Why did I put quotes around the word hear? Because it isn’t an audible voice…at least not that I’ve ever heard.

But for me, it is often a word, phrase, or idea that is so clear in my mind.

Why am I even sharing that? Well, because today, as I was driving to work and praying, I asked God to help me come up with a name for a project I am working on. And instantly, the words, “you need to write,” were as clear as day in my mind.

I am not sure of the details just yet. I know I am working on a book. I am literally in the very beginning stages of my book, but I have taken several days off from working on it. Maybe it means I need to get back to working on it daily.

Maybe it means that the thoughts of beginning to blog again are a sign, and I need to stop ignoring those thoughts. Maybe there is someone who needs to read parts of my story because it will help them on their journey. So here I am…typing this blog with no real idea or story to tell.

I’m just a girl, who was driving to work and heard, “you need to write.”


A Little Morning Observation


From now On